Pec specializes in plastic injection technique for the automotive, electrical, aerospace, medical.
Production lines, dedicated by the Customer, we can provide benefits cabling electrical sub-assemblies, electromechanical, and medical.
Technology tompagraphie, hot stamping, sublimation and painting are mastered and provide benefits decorated plastic parts.
PEC has the skills that can assist you in developing your new projects. The achievement of molds for the validation of plastic parts and eventually finished products by integrating the procurement of components.
Our acquisition structure and quality suppliers, allows us to identify sources of supply in Tunisia, validate and integrate them into the production of your products in order to optimize costs and procurement of components.
PEC has established an integrated management system and is certified ISO 9001 - ISO TS 16 949-ISO 14001 - OHSAS 18001
PLASTIC ELECTROMECHANIC COMPANY manufactures following products
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